We have reached a new level in our parenting journey......no more Santa, Easter bunny and tooth fairy believers! While it is sad, it also make me happy, because I caught myself so many times saying something to the older kids and I was always worried about ruining it all for Nora :)
After playing tooth fairy for probably 50 times in my life I finally kind of got caught one night and woke Nora up.....she had already been suspicious about everything, so it wasn't a tough conversation.
I am not sad my tooth fairy Era is over:). So, after the last tooth Nora lost I asked her if she just wants me to give her a couple of dollars and her answer was "can you just venmo me?". Haha. I guess that is the word we live in now. Nora does not have venmo.....she does have a green light card and I transferred a couple of dollars to her account. We had a good laugh though.
We have been busy with dance competitions.....
Hannah's tap dance is very fun and she is in a suit:)
This little duet has been doing a great job...
We received Hannah's school dance pictures and I don't even know who is grown up girl is. She looks so much older. The pictures are great!
Every other week I have lunch with Evan and Nora at school and Hannah gets a Starbucks those weeks, because clearly having lunch with your High Schooler is not an option :)
Recently I started bringing games for my lunch with Evan and we have both enjoyed that.
I hit a milestone at Burn Boot Camp!
We still have a lot of basketball in our lives.....especially now that Nora is playing as well
The annual bunny pictures are still a favorite!
This year I messed with the kids again and asked the photographer beforehand to call one of the bunnies Peanut Butter and the other Gretel......very random, right? The kids had taken a guess on the bunnies names and one of them said Peanut Butter and Jelly and somebody else guessed Hansel and Gretel, so I took one name from each guess and asked her to call the bunnies those names. All three kids fell for it and thought those are the bunnies names and couldn't believe the coincidence. It was quite funny and Myra played along the entire time and never called them by their real names. I was sitting there laughing and thought they would figure it out......I had to break it to them a couple of days later. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Ha!
We also still sprinkle some soccer into the mix.....
Grandma and grandpa and Robin and Eve came over for Easter!
We had an egg hunt for the kids and grandparents:)
Hannah has really shot up in heights in the last year.....and Nora is still very tall for her age