Friday, October 4, 2013

No Strings Attached

Well, almost no strings attached.  Scott started out with a trach, an IV access, feeding tube and catheter. He is down to only having the feeding tube left.  Everything else has been removed successfully. He will need the feeding tube for a little while longer.  He needs to gain some more weight before they can take it out.  He still gets 1,500 calories through the tube at night plus what he eats during the day.  He has gained a few pounds since last week, so I am doing my job well by bringing in lots of afternoon treats.  The only problem is that I pick up a treat for myself as well and I don't need to gain weight like he does:).
Scott has been a little disappointed that he is not seeing more progress and that his legs are not working yet.  He has been in excruciating nerve pain, which is terrible, but hopefully a good sign that nerves are regenerating and waking up.  He started pool therapy this week, which was wonderful.  Scott was really exhausted after it, but he felt very comfortable in the water.  He was able to move his legs some in the water!  I am always amazed by all of the tools, tricks and equipment that all the therapists have.

Scott also had recreational therapy for the first time this week and they brought in some stain glass window display for him and Hannah to paint (once again I am so happy that they incorporate Hannah into his therapies).  They had an adapter for Scott's paint brush and he was able to do it.  It was great fine motor therapy for him and he had fun with Hannah.  We also played Bingo with volunteers.  It was just our family and the volunteer yesterday and it was a great afternoon.  It felt like we were doing something normal (not that we play Bingo all the time, but it just felt like we were doing something as a family).  Hannah loved playing Bingo and was super excited about the random prizes they had.

I really think Hannah may have found her calling.  She wants to be a nurse when she grows up and she is doing an awesome job right now!  She is a pro at navigating the lift that gets Scott out of bed into the wheelchair.  She is so loving and nurturing to him that it just melts my heart to watch her.  Everybody up here on Scott's unit knows Hannah by now and she gets a new "Nurse in training" name tag every time she comes up to visit.

Scott is almost ready to move downstairs to acute rehab since he doesn't need that much medical attention anymore.  Once he is downstairs he has to tolerate even more therapy.  It will be another nice change of scenery to get down there even though we are really comfortable up here on long term acute care and have gotten to know the entire staff.  Everybody has been so wonderful.  Scott is pretty confident that he is everybody's favorite patient:).  It is good to see his sense of humor come back.  He has been such a trooper throughout all of this and has remained positive (he doesn't remember the really bad times in ICU).  His facial muscles are showing a little bit of movement and I hope his smile will come back soon.  I miss seeing that and I know he wants to be able to smile at his kids so bad.

Nurse Hannah made a cake for daddy last night to make him feel better.  She added a lot of toppings that she thought he would like.  It has sprinkles, kit kat, snickers, candy corn and sour gummy bears on it.  Scott was touched by the gesture, but not too excited to try a piece.  I think it looks pretty fabulous.

Evan snuggling with daddy
Love this little boy (I wish his sister let me take some pictures of her).  Thank you Debbie for the adorable onesie and the cake baking supplies.

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