Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Dreaming Of......

I am dreaming of some warm weather and sandy beaches on this gloomy day......
We spent a few days in Mexico at the end of January and it was wonderful.  We went to the same resort we went to a few years ago.
The kids loved the resort again......they flew kites on the beach, made wax art, played lots of soccer on the beach and got their face painted.
It was so nice to escape the cold weather for a few days.

Evan played soccer every day at 3 o'clock and it was the highlight of his day.  Most of the time he was the youngest one out there, but he did a great job keeping up with everybody.
This view did not get old....
We got lots of pictures of the family.....
We took a beautiful stroll on the beach with just Hannah one morning.....
We tried to take a jumping picture and that proved to be a little more difficult than anticipated
The weather was great.  Not too hot , but warm enough to swim in the ocean.
So many fun pictures....
We asked Hannah to try the jumping picture one more time.....
On our last night we dropped Evan and Nora off at the Kids Club and took Hannah out to dinner.  It was great to have some one on one time with her on this trip and the younger two were so excited to spend time at the kids club. Just yesterday Nora said that she missed Cancun and the Kids Club.  The staff was amazing and the kids loved it.

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