Monday, January 13, 2020

2019 Christmas Card and a few Elf Shenanigans

In the last 7 years we have tried to come up with creative ideas for our Christmas Cards.  It all started in 2013 when Scott was sick.  At that point he was already doing much better and we wanted to do something funny for our Christmas card.  Let's take a little trip down memory lane.....

The card that started it all.  Scott still needed the canes to walk at this point, but he was on the road to a full recovery.
All you need is love....
2014 was a little bit of a blur since Nora was only a few weeks old, so we didn't get that creative (except for being in our onesie PJ's).
I love how Evan's face is hidden behind the giant Hershey's bar.....
 2016 was a good one......

We had just received my dads car and wanted to include it in the car.  

It's all fun and games until Santa checks the Naughty list.....
Dear Santa I can explain........

And this years card......

We always have so much fun creating these cards, but the pressure is on to come up with some creative every year.  

This was the picture winner......but there were several other good ones!
 .......but there were several other good ones!

Let's see what we can come up with for next year.

Our Elf "Mr Christmas" made an appearance on December 11th, he likes to take his time :)
We only have two Believers left in our family, but the other two still enjoy the Elf Shenanigans.I thought he had a few really good ones this year....

He is back with another crash landing.....this has been a tradition now
I feel London, I see France, I am flying in your underpants:)
He is warm and TOASTY :) of my favorites.
 He TP's Evan's bathroom.....
 Everybody had a yummy lunch packed.
 Taco Tuesday anybody?????
 I Pea'd myself......that one made me laugh.
 Going on one last spin with his friends before heading back home to the North Pole.

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