I can't believe my last post was about Spring Break and here we are a month into Summer break already. The kids had a great last month of school and some were more ready for summer break than others. Nora loves school and was really sad to see the school year come to an end. Evan had a great year and was very happy at school, but was also excited for summer break. Hannah was just excited for summer break.
Since this is a catch up post I will need to go all the way back to April fools day. We had a parents against kids April fools Day competition again this year. I didn't take many pictures, but I think the kids won this round. They messed with us all day long.
Oranges inside a box of Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast....
All kitchen cabinets were opened and had April fools signs taped up everywhere
My probiotic had a lot of sprinkles in it.....
Of course we messed with their lunch boxes a lot and we wrapped their chrome books in wrapping paper.
For Scott's birthday we did a clamping tent in the backyard.
So fancy......but it really is a nice way to "camp"
We did s'mores in the fire pit and then played games in the tent.
3 out of the 5 of us actually made it all night in the tent:). The birthday boy and Hannah did not.....allergies and a barking dog prevented them from staying all night.
Easter morning is still exciting around our house.
We recently found another hidden easter egg (from 2 months ago)....
Some sticker books for Nora.....
Washi tape and lotion for Hannah.....Just Dance for the entire family
Books for Evan.....
Just one of the selfies I found on my phone....
We had a really late snow in April....
They tried their hardest to build a snowman
We also wrapped up dance competition season.....she looks so grown up with the make up on
She will be on the Junior High Dance team next year and they already received their uniforms....once again she looks so grown up in these pictures.
Just doing a little fashion show in all of the different uniforms.
We did another baking competition (why does everything in our house have to be a competition???)....
Ice cream cone cake by Hannah and Nora
Evan and I made a s'mores cake
Last competition of the season. This was Hannah's first year competing and she learned a lot! She loved it and will be doing that again next year along with the Junior High Dance.....lots of dance in our future.
Evan actually loves to watch Hannah perform and cheers her on really loud.
We went for some ice cream one afternoon....
The kids set up a hotel stay in our house again for our anniversary. We celebrated 14 years this year.
The hotel staff in their matching uniforms :)
This was the Agenda for our hotel stay. It included a Spa (foot rub), dinner, a show and dessert.....
Getting ready for the show....
In May we celebrated my birthday. Had to have a birthday table.
We also got to celebrate Nora's Kindergarten graduation in person. Parents were not allowed into the school building all year, which was very strange for me. I have spent lots and lots of hours in that school volunteering.....
The Kindergarten celebration was outside and we had to keep our distance, but it was still such a nice way to celebrate.
Each class got to sing a couple of songs.....
We only got to meet Nora's teacher one time at the beginning of the school year and then we had a few zoom parent teacher conferences....Nora had such a great year in school. She learned a ton and can't wait for 1st grade.
Kindergarten did an ABC countdown to the last day of school and "R" was for Rockstar....
Too bad she has no personality at all :)
We wrapped up soccer season....
.....and got to have a dance recital
We finally got to see Morgan, Zane and baby Olivia.....everything is coming full circle. Morgan came into our family when Evan was about 15 months old and she was there when Nora was born. Now we get to hold her little baby.....
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