The belly is growing and we are in the home stretch (at least I like to think so). I have had some better days and I am so thankful for that. We are getting really excited and anxious to meet our little man. I keep thinking about what his sweet face is going to look like. We have every reason to believe that he will be a big boy. He has been measuring ahead every time and his kicks are very strong especially under my ribs. Hannah is going to be a wonderful big sister (we hope). She talks about her baby all the time and tells everybody that he is going to be here after christmas. Then she wants to go to all of our friends houses to show him off! She was able to feel his kicks the other day and she thought that was really funny. Then she told him that kicking Mama is not very nice. I love when she puts her ear on my belly to listen to him or when she kisses my belly. It just melts my heart.
Hannah always tells me that I look like a strawberry in this shirt.
I should plan my outfits better, so I don't always wear the same shirt for these belly pictures!