Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What We Have Been Up To

Wow, two posts in one week.....Hopefully I can catch up today on everything we have been up to.
Back in January Hannah cashed in her Christmas present and got her ears pierced.  Evan was really looking forward to that moment, because he wanted to see his sister cry (so nice of him, I know).  He was ready to video the entire thing and was counting on her to would have thought it was Christmas morning, he was so excited
Well Hannah had different plans and didn't even flinch.  Evan was just a little disappointed.

We went up to Lawrence for a weekend to watch the Jayhawks play basketball.  Scott is in his element and the kids always enjoy going to a game.

Hannah made a Valentine's Box for school and she had the great idea of making it look like her teachers desk.  It turned out so cute!
She put a lot of detailed work in it.....her teacher has a Yorkie dog, so she put a picture of a Yorkie on it and her teacher likes to drink smart water, so she made a smart water bottle.....

The desk drawer is where you could put the Valentine's......
Hannah was also working on her biography project during that time, so she put that on the computer .

On Valentine's Day I attended the class parties for Evan and Hannah
Nora was all dressed up for her party

The next day I hosted a Valentine's Party at home for the cream sundae's, crafts and make your own pizza for the win!

When I go through my pictures I come across a lot of them that look like this.....anybody else have the same problem:)

Nora has never had a haircut and she had been begging to get one, so we finally did.  We did the smallest trim and she was so excited.  She was also so excited to show her friends at school the next day:)

This was our big snow storm of the year and the only snow day.....not enough to make a full snowman, so they decided to make a snowman that was melting

We decided to make a Laser maze one cold afternoon.....

Nora had Whacky Wednesday at school and with the help of her sister picked the perfect outfit.
I also want to document a funny Nora story. Hannah made up a Board game last week.  It was pretty creative and you had to make your way around the board and every field was color coded and you had to draw a card and fulfill some task before being able to move on.  One of the tasks was to run around the outside of the house one time.  Nora drew that card and started running, then Evan joined her and then both went around the house a bunch of times.  It was already dark out and time to get ready for bed, so I told Nora that we were done with that.  She asked if she can go one more time and I said no.  Then she immediately responded with "My boss will fire me if I don't go around the house one more time.  My boss is Evan".  We were all cracking up and of course she went around the house one more time:)

Scott and I attended the Kiss a Pig Gala and it was fun to get all dressed second Rent the Runway experience was just as good as the first one.
Fun evening with good friends
Can you see that photo bomber in the back?????

Best picture of the night

We celebrated Scott's 40th birthday with friends and we made him wear this hat!

We took the kids to Climb Bentonville and the loved it.  They keep asking when they can go back.  All three were pretty brave and just went for it.  Now, I want to climb too.....I need to go one morning when they are all in school.
This place is pretty cool.
I believe I am all caught up.  Feels good.

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