Welcome November. How is that even possible? It's been such a strange year. On one hand I can't believe it's November and on the other hand it feels like the year is never ending. We have been trucking along and everybody has been doing good.
The kids got to have a little Pumpkin Patch experience at school. The PTO brought a little pumpkin for all students to the school and they got to pick one out and take a picture.
Their teachers sent me these pictures.
We had a couple of days of virtual learning in October. It was meant to be a time to be off their chrome books, so we worked on some fun fall projects.....we colored, carved pumpkins, made some leaf art and made homemade ice cream. Hannah made cookies that she gave to neighbors in exchange of some canned goods that she then donated to the little food pantry.....
It was a great few days to disconnect and have everybody at home.
I have updated some pictures in the house and wanted to include a picture of the Cologne cathedral and a Bentonville picture, so I went down to the square and took a few.
This is the one that made the cut......
Kate Burris took these portraits of the kids and I love them!
Their personalities really shine ion these pictures.
I am so pleased with how the framed canvas prints turned out.
A few weekends ago we decided to have a Halloween family baking challenge.
We had three teams. Scott and Evan were a team, Nora and I were a team and Hannah was on her own (per her request).
This was the boys team final product......witches fingers
Hannah made a chocolate mousse and decorated it.....
Nora and I did a Spider cake
Do you see these snakes? We found them in our yard and when we looked closely we saw 3 heads. I was getting ready to do some yard work and pick up leaves, but I dropped that idea quickly (and have still not done it)
Evan and Nora were able to participate in an obstacle course at school. They "bought" this obstacle course with their rewards points. They had so much fun!
They got a little bit of a mask break and were able to have cotton candy......breakfast of champions I guess.
It was so hot that day and then overnight temps plummeted and it felt like winter for a week.
We got Boo'd by some friends, so we decided to Boo them back. We all got into costumes and delivered a few Boo bags.
We took these pictures in front of their houses and sent it to them......
Hannah made another cake and it might be her best creation yet.....
It was Red Ribbon week at school last week and one of the days was "Bobcats have bright futures"-wear bright colors and/or sunglasses.
Evan won the Bobcat Award for last month. Woohoo!
Our Neighborhood put together a contactless trick or treating event the night before Halloween. We had lots of houses participate and everybody put out individual little bags/treat for the neighborhood kids. We had a list of addresses for everybody that was participating
Scott made the kids a deal that if they recycle an old costume he would give them some money for their piggy bank....worked like a charm (except for Hannah who couldn't find in any of the old costumes anymore).
It's not halloween without a Jack O Lantern pizza.
The kids got so much candy from our Neighborhood event....the trading part is the most fun.
On Halloween I made a fun breakfast and then we spent the evening in front of the fireplace watching the Mandalorian.
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