Thursday, January 6, 2022

This And That

 Well, we made it through Christmas and are in a New Year and the kids are back in school.  While our Christmas looked different than originally planned we had a wonderful break and created lots of family memories.  We were supposed to go to Germany for Christmas (and Amsterdam and Rome), but due to Covid our plans changed last minute.  Nora always looks at the bright side of things and she was excited that she now got to attend her class Winter Party (the kids were going to miss a few days of school for us to go to Europe).  

Our Elf normally doesn't show up until mid December, but this year he came on December 1st, because he was probably still thinking that we were going to leave on December 16th to fly to Germany.  So, he stuck around for another 9 days!

He sure loves a self portrait!

A little Elf astronaut action......I love you to the moon and back

Silly string war with a snowman and Santa Clause.

We did our annual Starbucks in our PJ's and drive around to look at Christmas lights....such a fun tradition.

......and then this picture popped up on my time hop.  Scott and I are still wearing the same Christmas Onesie PJ's:)

Christmas morning was great.  We took our time to open gifts and everybody was super happy and excited.

I love it when these two hold hands :)

Lots of sporting equipment set up in our living room.....

Evan got a field goal kicking net and Nora got a soccer target rebounder.

Hannah got a full length mirror for her room

Nora had to check on the cookies for Santa and the carrots for the reindeer.
She was pleased that they ate a bunch!

Later on Christmas Day we got into the car and started our drive down to Florida.....we made multiple overnight stops along the way.  We spent a great week together.

I have been finding LOTS of selfies on my camera roll.....anybody else have that problem? It is always a  surprise when I check my photos. Hannah will probably not be happy that I am including these pictures on the Blog, but that is what you get for hijacking my phone. Haha!

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