Saturday, June 1, 2013

Happy 4th birthday Hannah!

Dear Hannah,
Just like every other parent always says I can't believe you are already four years old today.  Time sure flies by when you are having fun.....and fun you have!  You are full of life and energy and don't require a lot of sleep.  I wish I could bottle up some of your energy for myself or sometimes I wish I could just find where to take your batteries out:).  I am worn out by the end of the day and you just want to keep going.  You have brought so much joy, fun and love to our lives and we are so thankful that we were chosen to be your parents. What did we do before we had you?  Our lives must have been pretty boring.  You are a sweet, kind and compassionate little lady, but you are also full of sass and like to play with the boys.  You really like to swim, ride your bike, jump on the trampoline, go to the playground, play tea parties, play mom and baby, dress up and you enjoy your gymnastics class.
You always say that you are going to be a princess when you grow up.

You talk up a storm all day long and you never run out of things to say.  You have become so much more observant and pay attention to all conversations and songs on the radio.  You ask a million questions about conversations we are having or about lyrics of a song.  I sometimes have to remind myself to be careful what I say around you.  Your daddy and I were talking about the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma and about other things we heard in the news and you got very concerned (and a little scared) and asked a lot of questions.
You have an awesome big sister and we are so proud of you.  You have been so good to Evan and you love him so much.  You can always make him smile and you get very excited about that.  I know you guys will fight like brother and sister one day, but for right now I take the sweet moments.  When he wakes up from hi (30min) nap you always run to him and start to entertain him.  I listen on the monitor for a while and it always makes me laugh.  You make up songs to sing to him and you dance (I can always tell, because you start to get out of breath after a while).
You just completed your third year of MDO at Grace Point church.  You have come a long way and you love school.  It is so fun to hear you talk about the things you do at school and about all your little friends.  You are out of school for the summer now and we have a lot of fun things planned to keep you entertained.  I just stare at you a lot and can't believe what a little person you have become.  So much personality!

You left town this morning with your daddy to attend a wedding in Kansas.  I am so glad I got to have a special birthday breakfast with you this morning.  Grandpa Irv and Grandma Jeannie came into town last night and you were so excited to see them.  They gave you their birthday gift last night and it was a big hit.  You have your own piano now!
Your birthday table
Blowing out the candles
Unwrapping gifts
Birthday donut
Bedhead from this morning
A very rare family photo
We love you to the moon and back!


  1. happy birthday hannah!!! I really cannot believe she's 4! I still remember when she was born {and not just because we were in that adorable little house in tuscany when scott called us with the good news-- ha!}! time truly flies by with these little people running around :)!! the boys are in the "why" stage and always want to know what i'm talking about too. i feel your pain there!

    1. I know it seems so crazy that our kids are three and four years old:). They are just little people now!
