Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Update And The Plan

I can't believe it's been over two weeks since I have updated the blog.  It's been a busy time for us and a lot has happened.  Scott has made tremendous progress in the last few weeks.  He started walking in a walking/standing frame for the first time 2 1/2 weeks ago.Since then he has walked with three different frames and moved on to just a walker.  He started out needing a lot of help and support, but is doing very good right now with minimal help once he is up and standing (he made it 190 feet today).  They have also tried stairs with him this week.  His nerves are firing up everywhere except for his feet.  His upper body keeps getting stronger and his fine motor skills are improving as well.
Scott also started therapy on the Lokomat, which is robot-assisted walking therapy.  It is such a neat (and I am sure very expensive) piece of equipment.

The Lokomat

Scott moved to acute rehab last Saturday and has started intensive rehab (at least 3 hours per day).  They are working him hard and he is "enjoying" that.  He is doing everything he can to get better.

Scott has been able to get a pass on the weekend to leave the hospital for a few hours.  This has been so wonderful and has brightened all of our spirits.  The first time he got to leave the hospital we went over to Megan and Barry's and just hung out.  Scott requested for Barry to smoke some meat and that's what we did.  It was nice to feel like a normal family and just be together.

First outing

Last weekend I took the kids and Scott to the mall by myself.  I am sure we were quite the sight.  It was a little bit like a train. I had Evan in the Ergo and was pushing the wheelchair and Hannah was on Scott's lap (and I was wearing a big backpack).  Getting all three of them in and out of the car took quite a bit of time.  This week Scott was able to leave the hospital for Boo at the Zoo on Monday and he will be able to leave for Halloween tomorrow night as well.

The plan is for Scott to be discharged from acute rehab a week from tomorrow.  He will then enter the rehab day program.  He will still spent a good portion of the day at the hospital for all of his therapies, but he will be able to come home and stay with us after he is done with therapies.  We are all ready for this next step.  We had to find a new apartment that is wheelchair accessible and will be moving into that next week.  We are going to hire two of our favorite nurses from the hospital to help with the kids and Scott's care.


  1. This is an awesome update!! Love seeing so much progress!!! Continuing to pray!!! We can't wait for you all to be home!!

  2. Such great news! Katrin, you and Scott are two AMAZING people.
    Our prayers remain with you. Scott, keep up the good work...we miss you so much!

  3. Katrin, I saw your comment on my blog and came over to visit yours. What great news this is, but what tough months you guys have had. I'll be praying for you and your family!!!
