Thursday, April 13, 2017

Half Marathon, Evan's Games and A Little Bit Of This And That

Kind of a random title for a Blog post, but I couldn't come up with anything better.

About three weeks prior to the Bentonville Half Marathon Scott showed me an email with a picture of the Finishers Hoodie they were going to give out.  I really liked it, so Scott said why don't you do it. 
I signed up that day…….just to get a cool medal and a hoodie!
I had still been running, just not very much.  I made up a three week training plan in my head and wet for it.
The race was awesome and a lot of fun.
Scott and the kids came out to watch me again at mile 7 and then at the Finish line.
Hannah and Evan were very proud of their signs.  They definitely put a smile on my face.
This was at the top of "The Hill" at mile 13.  Anybody that has ran this hill knows how tough it is to have it at mile 13.
Coming down the finish line
I finished in 1:40:18.  I was VERY happy with my results.  I beat my time from last year by almost 5 minutes.
It was a beautiful day and perfect running conditions.  Later that afternoon we went to the square, wearing the finishers hoodie of course, and had some ice cream.
I really wanted a picture with all three kids, but Evan was too busy.  
I do really like the picture of me and my girls though (the portraits feature on my new phone takes amazing pictures)
The race was on April Fools Day and Evan has been obsessed with April Fools now.  He is still playing jokes every day now.  He has asked me to google april fools joke a lot and we have tried many of them by now.  He must thinks its April Fools Month.  Oh and he called it "great wolf fools".  Apparently thats what he hears when we say april fools.  So funny.

Now on to Evan's games.  This little boy is so creative and always comes up with new things to make or play.  He has been wanting to build "Fast Lanes" games (arcade games).  Here is one of his creations.  It is one of those claw machines.  
You have to put money in on the side (he made a hole for it)
Then you get to use the kitchen tongs (you are not allowed to look inside) and grab something and try to pull it out the top without it falling back in.  He had filled the box with candy and small toys.

This is one of the many times we have played "birthday party"
Oh and it was a surprise party for me this time and he was taking my picture

He has also built a fishing game, a putt putt course in the house, a race course and a Leprechaun trap.  We should really buy stock in Scotch tape, because we go through a lot of it with all of Evan's "projects".

Now here is a little bit of this and that (gotta keep with my Blog post title)
Last week we decided we need to stock up our freezer again with some made from scratch waffles, muffins and tortillas.
I have made tortillas before a long time ago and now I remember why I haven't made them in a while…..its a lot of work and a little messy.  I don't think tortilla making will be in our near future again
They do taste pretty good though
Evan and Nora both had a dentist appointment last week.  Evan is a pro and does really well.  Nora did great for her first time.  She let the doctor check her teeth no problem, but didn't want to get them cleaned.
Hannah had a fun Girls Scout outing.  The troop decided to spend some of their hard earned cookie money on donations to the Children's Shelter and then go get a Build A Bear for themselves.

The girls had a fun afternoon of delivering donations to the shelter and building a bear.
These girls have been so much fun and I am so happy to be a part of tho little troop.
Hannah had testing week last week and at the end of the week the teacher asked me to bring in popsicles for the class to celebrate.  Of course the two little ones benefitted from that as well.
Evan started playing t-ball last week.  He has had one practice so far and really liked it.  He looks so stink in cute out there (this is the best picture we got).

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