Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A little more of our life lately

In our house when you have a lot of extra time on your hands you come up with a lot of April Fool's jokes and turn it into a competition between adults and kids :). Isn't that what everybody does?
I think the adults won the prank competition!

We had removed all of Evan's underwear and socks from his drawer and hidden it, so first thing in the morning (he gets up really early) he came running into our room naked asking where his underwear is.  It is was pretty funny!

It was time to start school work and Evan's computer was wrapped up......

Hannah's computer was taped shut with duct tape:)

Hannah had some orange juice for breakfast......only problem is it had Mac n cheese powder in it.....she spit that out very quickly.

The eggs were all making funny faces at us
The toilet was wrapped up

All of Nora's clothes were gone from her closet, the kids shoes were stuffed with paper in the toes, and there were big Halloween spiders under pillows. 
We caught a big spider under this cup and left it on Hannah's desk:)
Hannah texts her friends sometimes from my phone, so we went back to see what she types a lot and Scott changed the "auto correct" to "Hannah picks her nose" when she types in "What's up.  Scott kept telling her on April 1st to text her friends and see what they are up to, but she never did.  Finally yesterday she texted her friend and it changed it to "Hannah picks her nose".  It was funny even on April 13th.
Lots of shenanigans going on all day.

The kids filled Scott's Frito's bag with lots of other random things, so he was surprised when grabbing a handful of chips for lunch.  Hannah also poked a hole in the bottom of a coke can and added soy sauce to the coke......

I left to get out of the house for a little bit and went to the car wash.  This was my view when I got home.
If you look closely on this one you can see all 4 of them standing by the windows in the rounded room just waiting for me to return home.
This was their view
Funny thing was that while they were waiting for me to return the FedEx guy came to deliver a package and he had to walk under my underwear:).  They were all watching that from upstairs.
Wow, it was a busy day of playing jokes on everybody.

Nora has done lots of crafts in her PJ's while we do school work with Evan.

Moving on to Easter crafts

Nora made some homemade chalk paint (chalk has been very hard to find during these times) with cornstarch and food coloring....

Evan's art teacher has been posting "Alphabet drawing" videos and we have done them as a family.
This was the first one.  It started with the letter A (the gnome's hat) and then she started drawing from there.  This has been fun for all of us and we look forward to the next letter.
This was Evan's
 This one was mine
 This is Nora's
 and last but not least is Hannah's
Then we color our drawings.
The letter C turned into a cake and Scott decorated his cake into a KU Championship cake.  Since there was no championship this year he can still dream a little.....

Hannah wanted to "create something", so we got out some old shirts, scissors, some craft supplies and the hot glue gun. Nothing you can't do with a hot glue gun.
Here are the end results of her creations......pom moms, feathers, heart stickers.....anything goes.

Evan really needed a haircut, so Scott came to the rescue.
The one handed barber was hard at work :).  He says the beer in his hand really helped.
Here is the end result......looks like his summer hair cut.  I guess at this point we are just pretending that all of this is summer break.

We took another summer activity and moved it indoors, because it was a little too chilly that night. 
Roasting s'mores in the fireplace.

We ordered these marshmallows on grocery pick up and I don't think I have ever seen any marshmallows as giant as these.....
It is a giant s'more.

I had signed up to run the Bentonville Half Marathon again this year, which was scheduled for April 4th.  Obviously the race was cancelled, but it was moved to a virtual race.  All participants have until Memorial Day to complete the 13.1 miles on their own and they will get the medal by showing proof that they completed the miles.  
I went out to run the 13.1 miles early Sunday morning on April 5th and I chose a route that went along roads a lot instead of the trail to avoid any other runners.
Scott and the kids welcomed me back right around the corner from our house.....
 I had to complete another 0.1 miles, so I ran right past them:)
I finished a couple houses down from ours.
Hannah is in a winter coat, Nora in her PJ's as usual and Evan is in shorts and T-shirt......
Do you see what it says on the poster?

1st place (women over 40)
It felt very strange to just run all by myself and it wasn't nearly as fun, but I actually ran a great "race" and I am super happy with my time.  
The medal was definitely worth it.  It is the 10th anniversary of the Bentonville Half Marathon race so they stepped it up with a giant medal (and they had contactless pick up for the medal.....just had to send them proof that I ran the miles and they put the medal outside for me)

I saw a friend posted pictures of a "fancy dinner" they had at home, just to make things a little more special.  Hannah loved the idea and helped me plan and execute it.
She set the table with placemats, wine glasses, candles and name cards.  He also made a card that said "Reserved".

Next up was making the menu.  Nothing says fancy more than Spaghetti and Meatballs:)

Hannah fixed up our hair, did out male up and picked out clothes for everybody to wear.  Scott even put on a suit.  It was a challenge to find anything nice to wear for Evan, so we settled for something with no holes in it.
The kids love sparkling grape juice and call it kid wine.  Good thing we had a bottle left from New Years :)

Hannah also made cookie brownies for dessert.
Such a simple and special night.
Hopefully these will be the memories we will all have from this crazy time in our lives. 

The girls got a little tired of their brother and tied him to a chair and then put make up on him.

Nora really misses preschool, her friends, dance and gymnastics classes.  She has been practicing gymnastics at home.

Hannah really misses her friends and facetime's them when she can.  She also misses her dance classes (they are doing them live on Zoom now).  She said this morning "I never thought I would say this, but I actually miss school"
Evan is a homebody by nature, so he is pretty content right now.  He loves to have his family around.  It's actually kind of hard to get him out of the house at all.

Well, that is it for today.  

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