Wow, the last time I posted was March 11th and life looked a lot different. We celebrated Scott's birthday on March 13th and then schools were closed by Monday March 16th. I can't believe it's been a month since we started the journey of social distancing. I have had some moments of wanting to pull my hair out, but overall we have made the best out of this situation. We are fortunate to all be healthy at this time, so we are thankful for that and not taking it for granted. There have been moments of panic, fear, sadness and anger, but there have also been lots of moments of happiness. We are blessed to be together as a family and are staying safe at home. We have embraced the saying
"You are not stuck at home. You are safe at home".
We salute all of the people that are working the front lines of this pandemic.
We have come up with creative ways to still be in touch (without touching 😂) with friends and family and keeping us all entertained. I have to admit that the days are actually flying by for us.
I do want to document some of the things we have been doing, so that we can look back on this historic time in our lives.
I have been so impressed with our school district. All kids went home with a Chromebook on Friday March 13th in case they do close schools and on Tuesday the 17th we started online learning.
Going good so far on day #1.......
Day # 2 was a little bit of a different story as you can see in this picture......he was tired of his new"teacher". His quote "this is the worst day ever". Ha!
All of the memes have been pretty funny.....
Hannah has been able to do all of the school, work independently. Thank goodness. Evan is a little bit more of a challenge. You have to sit with him the entire time to keep him on track. We have adjusted well to it by now and have a routine. This week they made the announcement that going to school called off for the rest of the year, so we will continue with online learning.
This meme still makes me laugh.....
Keeping Nora busy while we do school work can be a little bit of a challenge even though she is such a good sport about it. We try to do some workbooks with her and crafts and her preschool teacher has started posting videos of "homework" and craft ideas, so that has been a big help.
Here she cleaned out one of our drawers while I was helping Evan.
Evan and Nora did the Yoga video from Evan's PE teacher
We have done several family work outs to get everybody moving.......there are a lot of fun kid work outs out there now.
I always change my little chalk board out for all of the seasons and this is the current one.....
We brought out our pop a shot game and had a few tournaments
We have painted lots of rocks. This was my best work.
We have had lots of outside time. I am thankful for a big yard and a swing set. We have spent lots of hours sitting on the driveway and listening to music while kids are playing.
Nora got to talk to her friend Eliza over the fence.......
The new basketball hoop has been a great addition and lots of games of PIG have happened
We have left treats at friends and teachers door steps, rolls of toilet paper on front porches, hidden Easter eggs in friends yards and Hannah has left letters for some friends.
She received a letter back that got caught in the rain.....
Nora left Girl Scout cookies and a note for her teachers in front of the preschool for them to come pick it up....
It has been so fun to brighten people's days.
Evan's school did a teacher parade and it was fun to see many familiar faces even from far away.
Several weeks back we drove out to the dam at Beaver Lake to check it out while all of the gates were is always impressive to see the power of water.
This was our first time to truly get out of the house and it was a wonderful morning and things felt more "normal".
We have gone on lots of walks in our neighborhood and we have gone out to a few trails too.
We have done a ton of yard work and planted our garden. We may have been a little too early to plant the garden, because tonight is getting cold again and we had to cover everything up.
I needed to create some more room in our yard waste can, so Hannah jumped in to push it all down.
We had so much yard waste that we filled up the back of Scott's truck and the dump is closed. Thank you Dave for letting us dump it in your burn pile :)
Scott also got a fun new toy......a blow torch to get rid of all the weeds. He has had a lot of fun with it.
We found a spot to go fishing. Evan and Nora dug up some worms in our yard, but we did not have much luck and didn't catch anything.
Stacking cups is always a fun way for Evan to pass some time.
We got our boat ready early this year and have spent a few afternoons out on the lake. Thankfully the weather has been really nice overall during this time.
We packed a lunch and ate on the boat and then cruised around for a while.
Only one of us went into the 61 degree water......guess who it was :)
We tried our hand at fishing again, but were still unsuccessful.....
The next time we went out on the boat it wasn't as warm, but it was still a wonderful time away from everything. We brought lunch again and used up the rest of the 70th birthday napkins from last summer when we celebrated grandpa.
We have done lots of crafting and baking.
We purchased a craft kit from a local studio and the kids had a lot of fun with all of the different crafts.
Nora took this picture of the Narwhal canvas she created
Evan had one of those gem excavating kits from his birthday and this is how he showed up to do it.....
Most times he runs around in his underwear most of the day and Nora doesn't change out of her PJ's.
Hannah baked this cake for Morgan's birthday and we left it on her front porch
The girls have done a home pedicure while the boys played Civilization on the Switch.
Nora also considers brushing her hair "non essential".....
We had a social distancing "Happy Hour" with the neighbors across the street.
Evan and Grayson across the street built some kind of fort.......
I am almost caught up. Next up will be April fools can imagine that we had a lot of fun with that.
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