The girls had some studio dance pictures taken and I can't believe how grown up they look. Both girls are doing Company dance at High Pointe Performing Arts Studio. Competition season starts in January and I can't wait to see them perform on stage. Hannah has 4 dances and Nora has 3 dances.
Photo credit to Fallon Curry Photography.
They turned out so cute.
Nora has been working hard on her leg hold and can do it now too (if she is holding on to somebody:)
The photographer asked how far apart the girls are and when we told her almost 6 years she couldn't believe it. Nora is very tall for her age.
This girl is so flexible....
When did she turn into a teenager?
Just a little sass......7 going on 16 here as well!
I love these pictures of the two of them.
Hannah just finished competition season for her school dance team.
She really enjoyed that even with some early wake up times on Saturday mornings!
I was talking to one of the other moms and she said that her daughter is very shy and won't go up to the counter at Chick-Fil-a to ask for ketchup, but would dance in front of hundreds of people. I was laughing, because that is exactly how Hannah is. She will send her brother or sister to ask for the ketchup :)
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